Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christmas isn't the only reason to not hate winter.

My poor little tropical bones have a serious problem with winter.
It's cold. It's dark.
Solidified water falls from the sky, and we still have to get out of bed and go to work.
Everyone forgets how to drive.
People get trampled at Walmart.
You have to wear lots of layers, and somehow this always means gaining weight.
Commercialism is unabashedly in full swing.

But winter isn't all bad.
In spite of all the crazy, Christmas is still the greatest. I, for one, can't wait to break out the carols.
Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!
Time off work = time with family. And my in-laws are pretty spectacular.
The fact that it's cold outside means that when I use my oven, it's pleasantly warm in our apartment, and not stiflingly, unbearably hot.
This makes me want to cook and bake.
This makes me want to share.
This makes me create a blog.
This is a double-whammy creative outlet that my soul desperately needs.

Enjoy, internet.

AND!! Winter means Trader Joe's Christmas Vanilla & Cinnamon Black Tea!!! The sighting of this goodness when we went grocery shopping inspired joyful dancing on my part and shame/humiliation on dear hubby's. Poor guy.

Look! It's a lemur drinking tea!

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